The following information was announced today by UW Athletics:
The University of Washington athletic department has announced it will suspend all athletic-related activities and events, including workouts, training and practices, through the end of the winter quarter and Spring Break (March 29) for all student-athletes.
Department leadership and the medical team will re-assess the situation at the start of the spring quarter (March 30) to make a decision about athletic-related events and activities moving forward.
What does this mean for spring football? Nothing…yet.
Spring practice was scheduled to begin on April 1st, and conclude with the spring game on April 26th.
Some Husky football players were tweeting today about going to work out and lift, but those are considered individual workouts and not under the umbrella of “workouts and training”.
Governor Jay Inslee has banned gatherings of crowds of 250 people, and many colleges today are announcing the cancellations of spring football games and the remainder of spring practices — but the issue facing Washington is that they haven’t even started spring practice yet (Washington is on the quarter system) and if this continues we are likely to see practices either completely closed, or canceled altogether.
This is all speculation at this point, of course, pending what happens between now and the end of this month.
For continuing updates from the athletic department, go to where hourly and daily updates are being posted.
Washington Athletics Updates on COVID-19