has led the pack in breaking Husky Recruiting news for nearly 20 years. We know that. Everyone knows that. But there’s one area where we still feel we are lacking, and we are ready to tackle that head-on, and are giving you the opportunity to help us, and to win CASH in the process!
We have enough subscribers to have a vibrant and active forum community, but not every subscriber posts on a regular basis. In fact, only about 1% of subscribers ever become active on a site’s boards.
Because of this, many publishers manipulte their message boards; making up fake names to start active discussions, responses, etc. This requires a lot of work on the part of the publisher — and instead of trying to spend all day “working the boards”, we’d rather spend our time gathering insider info and working on bringing you the best recruiting info out there!
Right now, we’ve become an independent site again — which we prefer. But when you’re independent you have to work that much harder to keep your content, and your community, the best it can be.
Beginning tomorrow (Monday June 18th), is going to do something unprecented. We’ve seen contests before where a customer who posts the most during a week or month might win a free month to a website. We’re going one step further.
Whoever posts at least 60 posts in a four week period will be entered to win $100 CASH. Not only does this help us build our community, but it also rewards you — the reader — for being a loyal supporter of this website. It’s our chance to give back.
Everyone has a chance to win — and here’s it works:
- Post 3 posts per-day (at a minimum) every day of the regular work week (Monday through Friday).
- At the end of the 4-week period, we will get the stats on those who met the minimum requirement and will draw one name for the grand prize
- Even if you’ve never posted before, now’s a good time to start!
- If you miss the weekend, don’t worry — it’s off-season so we won’t hold anyone to the 3-post minimum.
- If you’re already an active poster, keep up the good work!
Ground Rules:
- You must be a subscriber
- Valid posting times will be between 12:01 am PST until 11:59 pm PST.
- You must post every day in order to meet the requirement amount of posts (no days off)
- You cannot just post a reply that says “I agree”, or “Bump”.
- You can posts links and tweets (except links to competitor sites)
- You cannot post spam
- Board rules still apply
- This goes in four-week increments (i.e; June 18th through July 18th)Winners will receive their payment through their Pay Pal account (or other means, if neccessary)
Final Breakdown:
3 post per-day = 15 posts per-week = 60 posts per-month = MOOLA
We want to make this easy for ALL subscribers to have a chance to win $100.
Our goal is to get our community thriving, and for the Realdawg Family to start making their online presence known.
So now’s the time Husky Fans! Let’s get this party started!
Inside the Tunnel
Husky Hoops Board