Tysen, Mike and Ruth discuss Tommy Togiai’s commitment to tOSU, UW and PSU’s run games, and Kyle Waltos joins us to talk bowl prep and Husky hoops…
[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=tw583-7f2e61″ skin=”1″ auto=”0″ height=315 ]

Tysen, Mike and Ruth discuss Tommy Togiai’s commitment to tOSU, UW and PSU’s run games, and Kyle Waltos joins us to talk bowl prep and Husky hoops…
[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=tw583-7f2e61″ skin=”1″ auto=”0″ height=315 ]
With a new defensive coordinator comes some new members of the defensive staff. one...
RealDawg has confirmed that defensive back coach Mondo Hawkins will be joining the Bill...
A week before the Sun Bowl, life was so much easier for then-Washington Husky...
In a huge move for the Washington Huskies, Tacario Davis has announced his commitment...