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Post-Game: Transcribed Players, Coach Quotes

Washington Head Coach Chris Petersen

Opening Statement

Really happy to send the seniors out with a win. Jake finished it off here at home with a pretty solid performance, and Myles got some things done as well so it was great to see that happen. Just pleased and happy to get this last one done it was really important to us and now we’re excited for a big game next week.

* What allowed the offense to get going early?

That’s a good question, I’d like to start like that every week, every first quarter. They were clicking and set the tone for the game. You knew Oregon State was going to keep battling, they’ve done that against every team they’ve played. They did a nice job on offense moving the ball. I thought it was pretty good football for three quarters and it’d be nice to score another touchdown in the fourth quarter but that’s how it goes.

* What are your thoughts on an Apple Cup that has so much on the line?

All these games are so important to us. We know what we are playing for, but the players and coaches put their heart and soul into every game, so we will prepare as we always have and we have to play as well as we’ve played all year.

* What is so special about this group of seniors?

They’re great kids, it always starts with that. They’re great kids who care tremendously, and they work. We don’t have little issues, they always come work. They’re a focused group that’s great to be around.

* What’s so special about Jake?

There’s no one you spend more time with, with the offense, in this office. He’s been preparing since the second he’s got here, it’s exactly how it’s supposed to be. He’s a rare individual, never flinching, always the same, always prepping as hard as he possibly can. He’s completely locked in at all times. It’s hard to do for anybody especially a college kid going through this process. It’s really special and awesome to watch him do that for these four years.

* What did you think about Oregon State?

They do a good job on offense. They move the ball and score points on everybody. We thought that’s how they would play. They never go away, they’re always battling.

* What are your thoughts on Myles Gaskin?

Another special player. A rare running back, he has tremendous vision. He’s another guy who’s been exactly the same since he showed up as a freshman. He’s worked his tail off and really loves football, he likes to practice. These guys we are talking about are as good as they come. You ask them to do something and they do it, they take care of business, they’re always all-in, it’s been awesome being around them.

* What is difficult about playing a team that is playing like they have nothing to lose?

It’s hard. In some ways that’s a great way to play, why doesn’t everybody play like that? When you’re behind and playing catch up you have to take some risks, but it is hard. They tried a squib a couple times and one hits our guy, what are you going to do about that? We practiced squibs ourselves, being alert to get out of the way. You just really have to be on point when a team plays like that, with reverses and all kinds of different stuff, and they got us a couple of times.

* How big is it to get some of those defensive backs back before next week’s game?

It’s pretty big. It’s nice to get D.J. back out there too. We didn’t count on him being out this long, he didn’t, the doctors didn’t, that’s why it’s hard sometimes to set timelines because they can turn out so different and this one did. It’s nice to have him back out there for these next few games.

* How about Edefuan Ulofoshio with two forced fumbles?

He’s been awesome since day one when we got him here. Practices his tail off, he’s got great energy. We’ve been talking about getting him in games, defensive coaches have been trying, finally we get him in there and he’s forcing fumbles. It’s awesome for a guy who’s been working his tail off since we got him here.

* Any thoughts on next week’s game?

Well it’s a short week, that’s a big deal for us, it really is. On offense we are always trying to scheme and dream and taking a day away is tough. This is a unique offense obviously, it kind of changes everything we do on defense just because of their stuff. We will go right back to work tomorrow.


QB Jake Browning

* How did it feel in the first quarter?

It felt good. We came out fast and executed in the run game which opened up the pass for us. All that let us get ahead and never look back.

* How do you feel getting the win on senior day?

It felt good. It was special to really get to have that with my family and now we’re looking ahead to the Cougs. Is a short week with a quick turn around coming up and the team that gets it figured out the quickest is going to be set up best for success.

* How did it feel playing against your old coach?

It was nice to see him. I looked at some of the offensive film they had as well as Colorado and that’s what they ran out there. Their plays come in sets based personnel. I talked to him a bit after the game and when we aren’t playing each other I always root for them to win and he’s doing the same. It’d be awesome to see them beat the ducks and hopefully we beat the Cougs.

* How do you feel about the match up with Minshew?

I actually met him at the Manning QB camp so I know him a bit. He’s a great guy, but I hope he throws a bunch of picks next week.

LB Ben Burr-Kirven

* On what senior day means

It’s incredible. It’s awesome to run out there and have the fans cheer for you and to have our family out there. It was pretty special.

* On the overall defensive performance

It was a frustrating game. I don’t think we played that well to be honest. We let them hang around and we got hit with like six trick plays. It was a frustrating game I would say.

* On if he’s ready for the Apple Cup

Yeah. It’ll be fun.

* On not losing at home for the past two seasons

“The simplest thing to do in college football is to protect your house. That’s where you have to start every year. That’s something we talk about. We know we want to protect this place and never lose here. It’s special.”

RB Salvon Ahmed

* On if the performance was frustrating

It’s not frustrating. Just to know we have to fix some things and know that we’re going to come out and fix those things going into halftime. Work on things and come out and execute. Never frustrating, just knowing we have to pick it up as a team.

* On sending the seniors off on a positive note

To get these guys out on a big win and get towards a bigger win. Getting towards the Pac-12 Championship which is our goal. The last home game, it’s great to have those guys win on a good one.

* On RB Myles Gaskin playing the way he has

It’s big to have him. He’s a big part of our offense. As running backs we’re cherishing every moment we get to have him. He’s going to be gone soon so I’m just still trying to learn as much as possible and happy to have him back.

* On what the Apple Cup means

Last year was my first one and it was huge. It has bigger stakes than it was last year especially for us. I’m excited to get to practice and get a good week in and show what we can do.

DB Jordan Miller

* On the importance of his last game at Husky Stadium

It was very important to me. I wasn’t thinking about it until the hotel this morning and then I was like ‘this is the last time I’ll be here.’ I’ve been here every Saturday for four years. It didn’t hit me really until then. Then when we’re warming up, ‘this is the last time I’ll warm-up here.’ The game ended and then ‘this is the last time I’ll be here with all the fans.’ It was emotional a little bit.

* On staying out on the field longer than usual postgame

I never stay out there for that long, I’m usually trying to get out because I’m trying to be quick. I was like ‘I’m going to take this in one more time.’ I’ll probably go walk out there one more time after this to be honest.

* On cherishing the moment with fellow seniors

I wanted to share it with my guys. Me and JoJo (McIntosh) we’ve been through it all. Freshman, not really playing that much, messing up and getting yelled at in meetings to now. It’s been a journey.

* On not losing at home for two straight seasons

As a team we stressed that during the offseason. We leave our blood, sweat and tears in the offseason every day, every workout we do. We’re not going to lose here. If anything, we’re not going to lose at home. It’s really important to us. We talk about that every day.

* On a short week before the Apple Cup

No matter whether it’s a short turnaround or a bye week, it has a lot of importance to it. We’re going to be ready no matter what.

Oregon State Head Coach Jonathan Smith

* Opening Statement

Defensively, we made some adjustments at halftime, but we were out of time at that point to be able to catch up, you know, because of the start, getting down like we did. So learning experience, short week, we’ve got a big game coming up and that’s where I kind of saw it.

* Can you talk about your special teams play?

You know, we’ve always kind of looked for ways to be aggressive and so trying to steal a possession on the kickoff. D-Rod has been working on that in practice and got that executed and then on the flip side of special teams we gave them the ball twice and that set them up as well.

* Did you just put that squib kick in this week?

Well my understanding, what I was told, is that he’d been working on him, individually, that play for a while. And then once we felt like, I don’t think the logic is bad. Like, you try to drop kick it and if you hit somebody, it’s pretty good, and if you miss it’s just a squib.

* Was that Jake Cookus’ idea?

Yeah. Cookus dreams up the majority of what we’re doing on special teams. You know, if we could get them to punt some more, we felt like we had a chance on rushing the punter and we got one. So there’s some, like every game, there’s some highlights.

* Did you make adjustments at halftime?

You know we did, we did. And those guys continued to fight and work and take an adjustment or two. Not major changes, but there were a couple of tweaks that I felt helped us in the second half. But, obviously not good enough.

* Is there anything you can point to for the slow starts?

Well, again, we’re going to go into every game feeling like we’re going to play better in the first quarter. But, I do feel like these guys are preparing, and we’re running into some good teams to. They’re well prepared and I think those guys benefitted from a week off and that’s a good football team. You know, they’re handing it to a pretty good back who can make some guys miss.


LB Kee Whetzel

What was happening defensively in the first half?

I couldn’t really tell you. It is just another thing that we have to work on as a defense, starting fast at the beginning of the game, we have been struggling with that all season, and it showed again today.

* Did you make adjustments in the second half?

Not too may. We just decided to wake up and come back out.

* How did you like the fight of the guys to stay engaged up until the last second?

I think that for us, staying in the fight has never been a problem. I think that our guys are always fighting and giving as much as they can. It is something that we have always done and will continue to do.

* Were you feeding off your offense in the second quarter?

When the offense is doing well it definitely helps our defense do well. This is a team sport.

* Do you feel like you had accomplishments out there even though it was a 19 point loss?

The way that we played defense in the second half goes to show how good of a team we could be if we put it together for a whole game. I think that we won our special teams battle today. There are positives to take from this and you can’t be down too much on yourself for losing to such a great team. We are just going to put it behind us and move on to the next game.

WR Andre Bodden

* Was it fun today with all of the crazy plays you threw in?

It is always fun. We work on them in practice and I was happy that we were able to go out there and give it a try and execute them. It was really fun watching my punter turn into a QB.

* Can you talk about the blocked punt and what you saw there?

I saw opportunity. They told me to go and block it on my way in. I got my hand on the ball and I knew I could make a big play and give the offense another opportunity. I feed off instinct. They tell me what to do, I find the right hole and that’s how I did it.

P Daniel Rodriguez

* Can you talk about the pass play with the squib kick?

It was just supposed to be a squib kick, and I just wanted to hit it right in the middle. He was just right there and it hit him.

* Special teams was really rolling today, were you trying to throw in different things?

We were trying to throw in different things. It is just all the hard work that we have put in throughout the season, especially this week.

* How long have you been working on the on-side drop kick?

We have just been working on it this week. We found out that we were going to use it on Wednesday.

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