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Philly D-Tackle Has Puget Sound Ties

The Huskies have extended their recruiting footprint this year, and going into Pennsylvania to offer Philadelphia d-tackle, Taleeq Robbins isn’t a long-shot.

“31”, the 6-3, 300 lb. defensive tackle replied when asked what his offer count was up to, “I just got an offer today…from Marshall.”

Robbins has just two Pac-12 offers so far though; Washington and Arizona State, but 31 offers has become something quite humbling to a young man who has only played football for two years, “I didn’t think I would get any offers this season”, Robbins exclaimed.

So what are these coaches seeing? 

Robbins is a ferocious d-tackle who has a fast twitch, a big first step for his size, and a motor that won’t quit. Robbins has excellent instincts and will drive guys deep into the backfield. While the networks have him at three stars, he projects more to be a high -star because his stock continues to climb and he’s just a beast of a lineman whose upside is through the roof.

Washington has boasted the best defenses in the Pac-12 and some of the best in the country over the past few years, so an offer from the Huskies speaks volumes as to what kind of athlete this is.

“I’ve been in contact (with Coach Malloe) for quite awhile now”, he said, “I plan on getting up there because I have an uncle who’s in the military and he lives there…he moved there from Atlanta.”

For that reason, a family trip to Seattle is definitely in the works, “I also have a teacher who went there”, Robbins added, “He said it’s a great school.”

The visit would likely take place this spring or early summer, and with all these offers on the table, there’s no real plan yet on when Robbins wants to narrow things down.


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