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Husky Football

It’s Game Week Baby!

It’s Game Week Baby!

At long last, we can finally says it’s Game Week, and with that, wants to prepare our readers with a primer of what to expect.

Things won’t be “normal”, meaning, we won’t have the same coverage as in years past, but we will have coach’s post-practice interviews, and post-game notes and quotes.

On game day, we will have our writer, Kyle Waltos in the press box. And while this first game is on the road, we will still have access to post-game quotes via Zoom.

We will be able to provide post-game notes, and at home games we will have post-game videos via Zoom call.

The press box will only be at 25% capacity, but Kyle will still have a seat and will be required to wear a mask.

Because the UW wants to cut down on paper products, stats will only be available digitally — but we will have those available to our readers.

As for our Game Week coverage, we will offer:

** Pre-Game analysis versus the Cal Bears on what they did last season and what they bring to the table this season

** Post-practice quotes via Zoom calls with video

** Pre-game Two-Deep, as distributed by the UW

** Pac-12 predictions

** Post Game Analysis

** Post Game quotes via Zoom

** Report Cards

We will report on the Huskies as much as we are allowed at this point, and will provide as much as we can during this first Game Week.


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