With offers coming from all over the country, Lincoln High School DE, Jayden Wayne took in the scenery at Montake over the weekend, and came away feeling better about the local school.
“It was really good”, Wayne told Realdawg.com Sunday afternoon, adding that he finally had a chance to sit down and get to know the new Husky staff.
Eric Schmidt and William Inge are playing point for Wayne, and both he and his father had nothing but positive things to say about the new members of the coaching staff at Washington.
Afterall, it’s the third staff to recruit him to the local school.
He said the highlight of the day was “Just meeting all of them and listening to how they see in the program…They believe I can lead the Pac-12 in sacks and defensive stats. They believe I can go to the NFL in the first round.”
Washington will obviously be competing against some of the top schools in the country both with selling the program, as well as staying competitive with the NIL, but one thing that is important to Wayne and his family is simply the commitment the school will have to Jayden’s future, overall.
“The best thing going for my son is his hometown hero brand”, Wayne’s father, Donald said.
And being a hometown hero is something that is very appealing to Jayden.
So, with all the offers and possibilities from all over the country, does Washington have a legit shot?
“Yes they do”, Wayne said, “Most definitely.”
Next up are trips to Alabama, LSU, and Georgia.